
An Invitation to Gaze

A virtual exhibition of paintings by Hannah Barnes
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This blog is a visual, on-line record of my art work and my personal research (guided simply by what I like) into art history and contemporary art.

Most of my paintings on display here are for sale. If you are interested in purchasing a work,
please e-mail me at

Many of my works posted here are Digital Finger Paintings. For this reason the images have been watermarked. Please, no unauthorized reproductions: If you would like to use any of the images of my works that you see here (or elsewhere) please contact me, I am always happy to help if I can.

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Finally, if you would like to read this blog in another language, please use the "translate / traduisez" tool in the left-hand column (under "contact me"), although I cannot guarantee the quality of the translation (I've already seen that the French translation "n'est pas terrible") it may help.

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Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Reclining Nude

(Above) Reclining Nude
15cm x 18cm
November 2011
Mixed media (Windsor & Newton Indian inks, Daler Rowney FW acrylic inks, Faber Castell Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g)

Friday, 18 November 2011

Upside down

(Above) Updside Down
9cm x 11cm

A drawing produced using the Sony Reader tactile screen and stylus and printed on artist grade cartridge paper; signed in ink.

The Sony Reader is a hand-held electronic reading device. The Reader comes equipped with a stylus that can be used with the Handwriting App to doodle. Regular visitors to the blog will know that I often use my Sony Reader to produce drawings that I then develop into paintings

(Below) The French Singer
9cm x 11cm

Friday, 4 November 2011

Green Olympia: Sold!

(Above) Green Olympia
April 2010
15cm x 16cm
Mixed media on paper.

Always very encouraging: I've just heard that this painting has been sold by the Enid Lawson Gallery, which has recently moved to new premises in Great New Street, New Street Square, London. The gallery hosts exhibitions of work by various contemporary artists. Click here to find out more:
The original post with Green Olympia is now in the blog archives; if you would like to see the post, keep scrolling dow to the bottom of this page to the archive contents list and click on the link for April 2010. The post is entitled "Two Nudes in Full Colour" and dated Thursday 15th April 2010.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

The Blond Girl in the Black Dress

(Above) The Blond Girl in the Black Dress
November 2011
14.5cm x 17.5cm
A lithograph on Somerset paper reworked in mixed media (Daler Rowney FW acrylic inks, Windsor and Newton Indian inks, Faber Castel Albrecht Durer water colour crayons, Caran d'Ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons).

If you follow my blog regularly you may recognise this as a reworking of one of the lithographs that I produced early in October whilst on a lithograph course run by printmaker Simon Burder at his printmaking studio in Oaks Park, near Croydon. Scroll down to the post for Monday 10th October to see the original prints.