
An Invitation to Gaze

A virtual exhibition of paintings by Hannah Barnes
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This blog is a visual, on-line record of my art work and my personal research (guided simply by what I like) into art history and contemporary art.

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Saturday, 18 December 2010

The Woman from La Martinique

(Above) The Woman from La Martinique
15.5cm x 18cm
December 2010
Mixed media on paper

The Arab Boy I met through Kees van Dongen

(Above) The Arab Boy I met through Kees van Dongen
14cm x 18cm
Mixed media on paper
December 2010

The title of this painting refers to "The Arab Boy" by Kees van Dongen, which I've only seen in books and on the Internet.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Pierre (the boy in the picture)

(Above) Pierre (the boy in the picture)
16cm x 18cm
Mixed media on paper
December 2010

This painting began as a study of a portrait by Matisse of his young son, Pierre.

If you like the colours in this painting, you may like Jon Duplock's work. Click here to go to his website: (it's nice stuff). In the meantime, here is an example of Jon Duplock's work:

(Above) Vang Vieng, 2005 Laos, by Jon Duplock

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Portrait of a Woman called Lydia

(Above) Portrait of a Woman Called Lydia
15.5cm x 18cm
December 2010
Mixed media on paper

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The African in the British Museum

(Above) The African in the British Museum
15.5cm x 18cm
December 2010
Mixed media on paper

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

La Marguerite de Monsieur Matisse

(Above) La Marguerite de Monsieur Matisse
15.5cm x 18cm
Mixed media on paper
November 2010

As the title of this painting and post suggest, I've been looking at a famous painting by Matisse: a portrait of the artist's daughter Marguerite Duthuit, painted over 100 years ago in 1906.

Monday, 29 November 2010

La Martiniquaise

(Above) La Martiniquaise
15cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media on paper

I've been looking (as often I do) at some lithographs by Matisse, including a series of portraits of a woman from Martinique. Inspirational !

(Above) A lithograph by Matisse "La Martiniquaise"

Also, some encouraging news: the Enid Lawson Gallery (New Cavendish Street, London) has sold another of my paintings (below):

(Above) Mr Parkinson's Hat

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The Black Girl with Blue Eyeshadow

(Above) The Black Girl with Blue Eyeshadow
15.5cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media on paper.

This painting came in response to my seeing some work by Chris Ofili, in particular, No Woman, No Cry, (1998).

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

La Martiniquaise

(Above) La Martiniquaise
15cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media on paper

Monday, 22 November 2010

The Woman from Australia

(Above) The Woman from Australia
15cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media on paper (see earlier posts for materials typically used).

This portrait started as a study of a thumbnail photograph of sculpture of a head of a woman by the Australian artist Sarah Parker, whose work I stumbled across by chance when doing an Internet image search under "society portrait". Her work is discussed by Steve Gray in his blog at . Here's the image that caught my eye:

(Above) A sculpture by the Australian artist Sarah Parker

Saturday, 20 November 2010

The Black Boy in the Red Tee-Shirt

(Above) The Black Boy in the Red Tee-Shirt
14.5cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton calligraphic inks, Daler Rowny FW acrylic inks, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100 % cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g)

Consciously or not, my paintings often reference the art that I have seen and enjoy. I have various postcards and prints pinned in my studio that hover in my peripheral vision as I work. Amongst these are:
(Below) Anna by Alex Katz 

(Below) The Arab Boy by Kees van Dongen
(Below) The Girl in the Red Blazer by Craigie Aitchison

Thursday, 18 November 2010


(Above) Nanette
15cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Rowney Calli calligraphic ink, Daler Rowny FW acrlyic inks, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Beautiful Dark-Haired Woman

(Above) The Beautiful Dark-Haired Woman
15cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney Calli calligraphic inks, Windsor & Newton Indian inks, Daler Rowney FW acrylic inks, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Who is the lady in the picture ? The clue is in the title, where the use of the definite article points to a generic. It's not a portrait of "a" specific woman, it's a portrait of a type of woman; which type? "The Beautiful Dark-Haired" type. She started as a study after various portraits by Picasso of his second wife Jacqueline Roque. As the painting developed the focus shifted to the painted surface and the image became less specific but it still retains something of a Mediterranean likeness: the beautiful dark-haired type from Italy or with southern European origins... a Mona Lisa ? Or, as it has just been suggested to me, a Nigella Lawson ?

Monday, 15 November 2010

The American Actress

(Above) The American Actress
November 2010
15cm x 18cm
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Rowney calligraphic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Buttons and Bows

(Above) Buttons and Bows
14cm x 18cm
November 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney Calli calligrahic ink, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).
I developed this painting from a study of a portrait of Annette Kaufman by the American modernist Milton Avery, whose work I have recently discovered.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

The Artist's Daughter

(Above) The Artist's Daughter
13cm x 16cm
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Windsor & Newton indian ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble was crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper.
November 2010

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Portrait of a Woman

(Above) Portrait of a Woman
13cm x 16cm
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Windsor & Newton Calligraphic ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Friday, 29 October 2010

Jacqueline III

(Above) Jacqueline III
13.5cm x 16cm
October 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II watersoluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

The third in a series of paintings developed from my study of Picasso's portraits of Jacqueline Roque (see the previous two posts, immediately below).

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Jacqueline II

(Above) Jacqueline II
13.5cm x 16cm
October 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Rowney Calli calligraphic ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons, Windsor & Newton designer gouache) on 100% cotton rag, acid free paper (200g).

Another painting developed from a study of Picasso's portraits of Jacqueline Roque (1926-1986). (See yesterday's post.) The painting is not intended to show a likeness; instead it represents a response to Picasso's paintings rather than a report on the sitter's appearance.

One of the advantages of developing paintings from my hand-drawn Sony Reader drawings (again, see yesterday's post) is the possibility of series of different versions of the same image. I haven't really explored this until now.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Jacqueline I

(Above) Jacqueline I
October 2010
13.5cm x 16cm
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Rowney Calli calligraphic ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).
This painting was developed from a drawing that I produced using the "Handwriting" app of my Sony Reader (see below) after portraits by Picasso of "Jacqueline".
A double click on the image will open the image in a larger format in separate Window.

Below: Jacqueline
October 2010
9cm x 11cm
An original hand-drawn drawing produced using the "Handwriting" app of the Sony Reader and printed on copy paper.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

The Masked African

(Above) The Masked African
14cm x 16cm
October 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton Indian Ink, Daler Rowney Calli calligraphic ink, Daler Rowney Perlescent liquid acrylic, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


(Above) Paula
13.5cm x 16cm
October 2010
Mixed media (Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons, Windsor & Newton designer gouache, Windsor & Newton plakat tempera gouache) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

The Good Woman

(Above) The Good Woman
13.5cm x 16cm
October 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Daler Rowney Calli calligraphic ink, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Monday, 18 October 2010

The August Woman

(Above) The August Woman
October 2010
12.5cm x 16cm
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney Calli calligraphic ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

I have the 2011 "Picasso: Portraits of Women" calendar. This painting comes after taking a sneak look ahead to August 2011 and the Portrait of Jacqueline.

(Below) Portrait of Jacqueline (1963) by Pablo Picasso
Oil on canvas
92 x 60 cm
Galerie Rosengart, Luzern

Friday, 15 October 2010

The National Open Art Exhibtion

Yes !
These two paintings have been selected for the National Open Art Exhibition, which takes place at The Minerva Theatre, Chichester from October 30th - 13th November. For more info:

Above: Out of Africa (2010 ; mixed media on paper)
Below: The Painted African (2010 ; mixed media on paper)

Portrait of a Woman (in curlers)

(Above) Portrait of a Woman (in curlers)
October 2010
13.5cm x 16cm
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney FW acrlyic ink, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid free paper (200g)

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Portrait of a woman (Ingrid)

(Above) Portrait of Woman (Ingrid)
October 2010
14cm x 16cm
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Daler Rowney FW acrlyic ink, Indian ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Handsome Black Man

Above: Handsome Black Man
October 2010
17cm x 18cm
A pencil drawing (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayon) on copy paper.

Below: The Caribbean Model
17cm x 17cm
A mixed media painting (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayon, Indian ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper (200g).

Yesterday, whilst researching images on the Internet, I came across an artist from Trinidad: Boscoe Holder is apparently well-known for his paintings of black Caribbean women but also of black male nudes. If you are not familiar with his work, take a look, it's good.
Many of Boscoe Holder's paintings can be viewed at the 101 Gallery:
Below: A painting by Boscoe Holder

The gallery also represents Boscoe Holder's brother: Geoffrey, whose work I particularly like.
Below: a painting by Geoffrey Holder

Friday, 24 September 2010

Un beau chat, fort, doux et charmant

(Above) Nobby : Un beau chat, fort, doux et charmant
13.5cm x 16cm
September 2010
Mixed media (Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water soluble wax crayons) on 100 % cotton rag, acid free paper (200g)

Nobby is one of the two tabby tom cats that live here. He's often with me in the studio. Doing this painting of him has brought to mind a poem by Baudelaire :

Le Chat


Dans ma cervelle se promène,
Ainsi qu'en son appartement,
Un beau chat, fort, doux et charmant.
Quand il miaule, on l'entend à peine,

Tant son timbre est tendre et discret ;
Mais que sa voix s'apaise ou gronde,
Elle est toujours riche et profonde.
C'est là son charme et son secret.

Cette voix, qui perle et qui filtre
Dans mon fonds le plus ténébreux,
Me remplit comme un vers nombreux
Et me réjouit comme un philtre.

Elle endort les plus cruels maux
Et contient toutes les extases ;
Pour dire les plus longues phrases,
Elle n'a pas besoin de mots.

Non, il n'est pas d'archet qui morde
Sur mon coeur, parfait instrument,
Et fasse plus royalement
Chanter sa plus vibrante corde,

Que ta voix, chat mystérieux,
Chat séraphique, chat étrange,
En qui tout est, comme en un ange,
Aussi subtil qu'harmonieux !


De sa fourrure blonde et brune
Sort un parfum si doux, qu'un soir
J'en fus embaumé, pour l'avoir
Caressée une fois, rien qu'une.

C'est l'esprit familier du lieu ;
Il juge, il préside, il inspire
Toutes choses dans son empire ;
Peut-être est-il fée, est-il dieu ?

Quand mes yeux, vers ce chat que j'aime
Tirés comme par un aimant,
Se retournent docilement
Et que je regarde en moi-même,

Je vois avec étonnement
Le feu de ses prunelles pâles,
Clairs fanaux, vivantes opales
Qui me contemplent fixement.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

2: The African Boy in the American Art Gallery

(Above) 2: The African Boy in the American Art Gallery
(Width) x 16cm
Mixed media (Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Dalery Rowney FW acrylic ink, Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper).

In anticipation of a trip to California next February, I've been browsing the websites of the art galleries in San Francisco and their collections, some of which are available for view on-line. I came across an image of a black boy. This painting started there.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

An African in Paris

(Above) An African Paris
(width) cm x 16cm
September 2010
Mixed media (Windsor & Newton Indian ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid free paper.

The title of this painting points to its inspiration : the sculptures of Ousmane Sow, which I first encountered on a bridge in Paris (see the last post).

Another favourite artist of mine is the Scottish painter Craigie Aitchinson who died a year ago, aged 83. Describing his work, Aitchinson said : "I do mostly black people, dogs, religious pictures and still lifes." Its a simple summary of his beautifully uncomplicated but sensitive images, which radiate glorious colour. For more information on Craigie Aitchinson, read the obituary in The Telegraph online (21 December 2009) at

Below : Portrait of Michael Mohammed by Craigie Aitchinson

1. The Senegalese Woman with Daisy Earrings

(Above) The Senegalese Woman with Daisy Earrings (reworked)
(width) cm x 16cm
September 2010
Mixed media (Windsor & Newton indian ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water-soluble wax crayons, Faber Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper).

Below: the earlier version of the painting posted above.

I've recently been looking again at the art of the Senegalese sculptor Ousmane Sow.
(Official website : )
I first came across Ousmane Sow's sculptures in 1999 when I was living in Paris, when there was an outdoor exhibition of half a dozen of his over-life size pieces on the Pont des Arts (one of the footbridges that crosses the Seine).
(See: )
I think the red-clay palette of this painting probably stems from my reviewing his work.

(Below) : Detail of a sculpture by Ousmane Sow

Friday, 17 September 2010

The African Boy from Saint Louis (reworked)

(Above) The African Boy from Saint Louis (reworked)
See yesterday's post.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

The African Boy from Saint Louis

(Above) The African Boy from Saint Louis
(width ?) cm x 16cm
September 2010
Mixed media (Windsor & Newton indian ink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, Caran d'ache Neocolour II water soluble wax crayons) on 100% cotton rag, acid-free paper.

This portrait started as a study of a ceramic head of an African, which is held in the collection of African art at the St Louis Art Museum. The museum's collection is available for viewing on-line at :